Fred Trump Arrested in 1927 but not as a Fascist.

Mulberry Street, New York, around 1927.
Mulberry Street, New York, around 1915.

All newspapers and TV stations in the world, also the South China Morning Post (Donald busted at race riot, report says. March 1, 2016) quoted an article published by Boing Boing last September in which it was claimed that Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump, was arrested on Memorial Day 1927, while brawls erupted in New York led by Italian fascists and the Ku Klux Klan.

His son, Donald Trump, had denied the arrest but new documents have emerged proving that in fact he was briefly detained and then released on bail.
During the Fascist brawl – which was no brawl at all – two Italians were murdered in Queens, while on the same day 1,000 white robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighbourhood and a true brawl erupted.

We are all left wondering which was the reported brawl in which Fred Trump took part. The explanation seems simple: certainly not to the Fascists, because the murder of the two young Italians was just a cold blooded, Mafia-style, execution, perhaps carried out by anti-Fascists or, perhaps, by gangsters.

The two murdered Italian immigrants were Joseph Carisi, 39 and Nicholas Amoroso, 22, who were found stabbed and repeatedly shot, in New Yorks’ Times Square. They were indeed wearing black shirts and were thus apparently directed to take part, with others 400 Fascists, to the Manhattan’s Memorial Day Parade.
The then president of the Fascists League of North America, Count di Revel, playing down the nature of that crime called it “a simple murder.” But later Benito Mussolini put the blame of their death on “traitors of Italy and the Fascist revolution” using them for domestic propaganda purposes.

Clearly Fred Trump had nothing to do with the killing of the two Italian immigrants and, therefore, he should have been arrested at the KKK gathering for reasons which steel need to be investigated.


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